I left DFW not knowing if I would even make it to Spain in one day because I was flying standby. I met a girl from Kenya at DFW but she was a citizen of Denmark. She was very nice. She talked about how much she loved Texas and that made me happy to hear. Anyway, in Atlanta I was waiting to see if I would get on the plane when they called my name. I went to the counter and asked if first class was available. He said no. Then he proceeded to hand me my ticket with a first class seat on it. I was so excited, but I didn’t truly know why until after the flight. I was treated with such respect, that I didn’t know what to do with all of it. My pockets were overflowing with respect and kindness. I was wondering why it is so nice up in first class. Truly, I didn’t belong. But I accepted my meal(s) and was very pleased. That dinner was the best dinner I have had in so long, and it was airplane food. I should have taken a picture of it. I only got one hour of sleep though. It was disappointing because I was very tired. When we landed in Madrid, we walked forever until we finally came to Control. There they looked at a paper that I had filled out and then checked my passport. They waved me on. I went to get my luggage, which took forever. By the time I had received my luggage Alex’s flight was supposed to be getting in. So I waited a while, looked at shops, exchanged my USD for Euros to kill time. Then I was confused why no one on his flight or any American flight had walked past me. I was put in my first situation to use Spanish. Well, besides exchanging currency. When I used my Spanish there I said, “Ochenta Euros por favor.” And that was that. Too easy. I then went on my mission to find out where Alex’s flight was going to get in. I left baggage and went to the airport main entrance for my terminal. I was initially surprised that there was no Customs checkl. I found the informacíon desk and asked where American Flight 36 would be coming in. They said terminal 4, which was very far away from me. I then asked if they had landed and found out they were very late. I had to tell Alex how to meet me, but I can’t use my phone overseas. So I thought I should email him. Now I just had to find internet. I figured I could either wait at the airport for him, or tell him how to get to Seville with as little Spanish as possible because he took French in high school. I then decided that I would take a taxi to the train station and either a) have internet to email him there or b) take the train to Seville and race him to see if I could get internet at my hotel before he landed. I spoke Spanish to the taxi driver, and we talked the entire way to the train station. He was very nice and complimented me on my Spanish. I was glad to hear that. We talked about soccer, Madrid, Seville, Texas, Atletico Madrid (soccer team) and more. Then my first weird occurrence happened with him. We were sitting out front of the Atocha and I was about to pay him my 32 Euro cab fee when the lady behind us just crashed into us. It wasn’t a big crash, but I definitely felt and heard it. He turned around and probably cussed at her, but then never went to exchange information. It was weird. He said he doesn’t worry about small dents. Well anyway, there was no internet at the Atocha train station. I decided to change out of my fancy clothes I had to wear in first class into some normal clothes. While in the bathroom there were two little kids causing trouble. I then had my second weird occurrence. The kids were opening the stalls that people were using, and running away. It was very odd. And some random Spaniard yelled at them and scared them away. Then I went and got my ticket and proceeded to the platform. Security was minimal. The train ride was beautiful. I think I saw one castle, but I know I saw many old churches. It was basically like country life. Small cities. Very small. And farmland all around them, but the hills were gorgeous. I arrived in Seville and took a taxi to my hotel. I finally had internet, only to find out Alex wouldn’t be taking the train. It was good news and bad news. But mainly good news. I also found out in my email that my Grandma had passed away after a fairly short battle with cancer. This was very heartbreaking. I didn’t know what to do. I was alone in a foreign country with no one to talk to or anything. I went on a walk to calm myself. I ended up getting a little lost, which scared me. So since then I have just been sitting in my hotel while I am in my paradise. I will wait for Alex to get here before I go exploring again. Oh by the way, there are two toilets and one of them looks like a sink. I am so confused.
Your first official blog from overseas! Very nice. It sounds like you are a seasoned traveler already. Does the hotel have a map you can take with next time you go for a walk? I would have been to chicken to explore by myself. I'm impressed! Could the 2nd toilet be a bidet......? (Very popular in Europe...;.)
ReplyDeleteWell, I have been using a map, but more communication with Spaniards. It's easier to talk than to read a map. My sense of direction has yet to fail me! And a bidet... possibly... looks like a sink...